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Межсетевой экран/Роутер USG2110-A-GW-W AC Host with 1FE WAN(RJ45)+8FE LAN(RJ45),1ADSL,WIFI,3G-WCDMA,512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Межсетевой экран Eudemon200E-X1 AC Host with 2FE(RJ45)+8FE(RJ45),No SD card,512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Межсетевой экран Eudemon200E-X1W AC Host with 2FE(RJ45)+8FE(RJ45)+WIFI,No SD card,512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Аппаратный межсетевой экран Eudemon 200E-X2 AC Host with 1FE(RJ45), 1MIC, 2G SD card, 512M memory, 1AC PSU
Межсетевой экран Eudemon200E-X2W AC Host with 1FE(RJ45)+8FE(RJ45)+WIFI,1MIC,2G SD card,512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Межсетевой экран Eudemon200E-X5 AC Host with 2GE Combo,2FIC+4MIC,2G SD card,2G memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Аппаратный межсетевой экран Eudemon 200E-X3 AC Host with 2GE Combo,2FIC+4MIC,2G SD card,2G memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Межсетевой экран/Роутер Eudemon200E-X1AGW-W AC Host with 1FE(RJ45)+8FE(RJ45)+WIFI+1ADSL+3G-WCDMA,No SD card,512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Межсеьевой экран USG2110-A-GW-W AC Host with 1FE WAN(RJ45)+8FE LAN(RJ45),1ADSL,WIFI,3G-WCDMA,512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software
Межсетевой экран USG2110-F AC Host with 2FE WAN(RJ45)+8FE LAN(RJ45),512M memory,1AC power supply,with HS General Security Platform Software